Transformational teacher training in war-torn Kachin State
Myitkyina, Kachin State 2019-20

This project began in 2016 in partnership with the Kachin Independence Organisation. Since then MEP have been working in some of the most remote parts of northern Myanmar in response to long-term Government neglect and conflict. We support teachers in schools which are not supported by the Myanmar Government.
Currently, MEP are providing teachers with a joined-up programme which incorporates teacher training workshops, individual mentoring, in-class follow-up support and an English Language course providing teachers with an internationally recognised Cambridge Certificate. This “Cambridge Plus” programme was specifically designed by MEP to create local teams of trainers to build a sustainable programme of teacher training and English Language courses. An acute shortage of formally trained teachers means training and capacity building for teachers is key to ensure a reasonable standard of quality education.
The programme began when MEP were invited to work alongside the Kachin Independence Organisation following decades of conflict resulting in largescale displacement and insecurity, which has had a profoundly negative impact on education. Years of conflict between the Burmese military and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), has resulted in 83,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and 47,000 people in IDP camps. Only 60% of Kachin primary school children complete their schooling on time.