November 2015

November 2015
A Visit from the Directors
This month the Thailand team welcomed two of our six directors to Mae Sot; Bob Anderson and Graham McNeil. Having frequent contact with them back in the UK it was great to have them in the office, on project and in meetings here in country.
Having a full schedule for their visit one main meeting they attended was the learning workshop for the end of our QUEST project. This project focuses on the training of teachers in the refugee camps. BEP work on this project alongside Save the Children International, Right to Play, Karen Refugee Committee Education Entity and World Education. The meeting had representatives from all parties and was aimed at evaluating the project and looked at how to advance it for the coming year.
Bob comments- “The meeting went very smoothly, with a supportive and constructive atmosphere. Outcomes of the meeting suggest that the structure of BEP’s working methods are the best model we can use in the current environments… Suggestions for the improvement of the project includes more standardised assessments and consistent follow-up sessions..”
Harrow international
In November we also had the pleasure of one of our partners Harrow School International Bangkok visiting. We welcomed students and staff for a small project developed themselves called “play in a day”. The project included the students from Harrow and 42km migrant school working together to put on a small play for parents and supporters. BEP would like to thank Help Without Frontiers for their support in organisation and involvement the event.
Rob, our programme co-ordinator comments- “Both Harrow and 42km students very much enjoyed the day and have built lasting friendships.”
Christmas fundraiser for BMTA
Burmese Migrant Teacher Association (BMTA) are currently working towards the standardisation of Maths, English and Burmese. This is in the hope that once all subjects are standardised the curriculum taught in migrant schools in Thailand will be an accredited education in Burma, as currently it is not the caes. Having 30 English teachers, in 43 school’s in the area BMTA proposed that BEP train their English teachers in an effort to work towards standardisation.
Across the course of the Christmas period BEP will be fundraising on just giving for funds to run this project in 2016. Look at our Facebook page for regular up-dates and if you want to get involved email