January 2015

January 2015
New Year, New Staff
The new year has seen big changes for Burma Education Partnership - we have plans to work in more camps than ever before, benefiting a greater number of teachers and students than we would have previously thought possible. This expansion has allowed us to utilise a larger team of trainers based in Thailand. Kerry Boakes has returned to Burma Education Partnership, joined by Zaw Min Oo to train English and Burmese respectively in the Southern camps along the Border. We also have Naw Aye Aye Lin and Hsa Law Eh Soe who will be adapting and implementing a programme designed by Save the Children that aims to improve Karen literacy levels in camps.
We're Hiring!
Burma Education Partnership is looking to hire an intern for the six-month role of Funding and Promotions Officer starting in September. Email us to find out more, and keep up-to-date with Burma Education Partnership by using the social media buttons below!
In the Karenni Camps
Burma Education Partnership trainers Naomi and Steve were kindly invited by our partner organisation - the Jesuit Refugee Service (http://en.jrs.net/) - to observe subject-specific teacher training in "Site 1", a predominantly Karenni refugee camp in Northern Thailand. It was a useful and interesting knowledge exchange for our trainers, and we are looking forward to future collaboration with the JRS!
English Exams Update
Our students working towards the Cambridge KET/PET English proficiency exams have been sitting practice tests throughout January. The two migrant classes and one in-camp class will sit the exams in March, with the class from Pu Taw Memorial Junior College in Mae La refugee camp travelling to Mae Sot in mid-February to experience life outside the camps - often for the first time in their lives. Many thanks to Harrow International School, Bangkok (http://www.harrowschool.ac.th/) for their continued support with these examinations. Good luck!